Sunday, April 6, 2014

Link It Or Lump It Link Party #33 {Plus Features}

Welcome to the 33rd Link It or Lump It Link Party!  Well, you all continue to impress me.  There is so much talent here I am just blown away.

Alright, let's get right to the features...

Little House of Four's Yard Sale Jewelry Box Makeover

Carmel Pecan Milkshake Shooters from Little Miss Celebration

If you were featured go ahead and brag a little - grab that "I was featured button" and show it off all proud! You deserve it! 
Two It Yourself

Not a feature this week on 2IY? No worries, go check out the features picked by:
 Allison from Dream A Little Bigger
Amy from Delineate Your Dwelling
Sonnet from SoHo Sonnet

Now let's get to the party. The more the merrier so go ahead, show us what you've been up to by sharing a link or two or three to your best blog posts (please link to posts and not your blog's homepage)! 

The RULES – because a world without rules is chaos:
  1. Link anything you made yourself but not your Etsy Shop, Giveaways, or blog homepage.
  2. You must Link back Two It Yourself to be considered for next week’s feature roundup! So grab that awesome button up there or link back to one of the party hosts with a text link.  We don't mind if you link up on a Linky Party page or on the post you're sharing. 
  3. Don't be a link and leave blogger.  That makes us sad.  Click through one or two of your favorite links and leave some comment love!
  4. Please no repeats. If you linked it up last week, share something new.  

  5. Thanks for stopping by 2IY! If you like what you see, we'd love for you to pin it!

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