I have been thinking and thinking and thinking about how I could label the new DIY clothdrop covered baskets in my craftroom and was

incorporate the chalkboard paint. I really didn't want to buy any more materials so I kept putting the project off....but, I also had to pull every unlabeled basket off the shelves to find anything. (Annoying!) Finally, the craft gods came through today as I was cleaning out some old scrapbooking items and came across two packs of luggage tag-looking stickers -- chalkboard paint stickers, of course! If you can't find tag-shaped stickers, you could even use large address stickers and cut off the corners on one side to create the same shape.

After the second coat dried, I punched a hole in the sticker just to make them look a little more like tags.
Then I peeled off the back and stuck one on each of my boxes.
Now when I need to update the contents of the box, I can just erase with my finger instead of creating a whole new label.
The places and ways to use these chalkboard stickers are endless, but here are just a few more ideas:
- Toy bins
- Kids art supplies
- Pantry items
- Canisters
- Pots and Planters
Great idea! And I have those exact stickers :)